“Return of the Light”
Another holey, wholly, holy, orientated piece and as such is totally defined by the bits that are not
there, but you can see that no doubt. I really quite like this work which is rather unlike my normal
ambivalent response to things sculptural, especially my own.
The progression of process was begun as suggested by the form of the slab, it was initially indicative of
something i needed to pursue and it obviously needed a boundless empty space to define around.........
So it’s the usual format, the created from the, (as yet), uncreated.
It is interesting to note that within the context of the sculpture the wholly hole seems limited until we
expand perceptions in another direction/plane and thus potential endlessness at right angles to the
sculpture face. Much of humanity seems to specialize in the behaviour of not seeing more than the
obvious (to the eye) with little inclination towards feeling out the extent of the angles in other
directions and what may be contained within available at least to the mind’s eye.
At around this time i knew another piece of the Mahara Series was about to be sculpted and within it i
wanted to acknowledge, with due respect, for certain of the currently disembodied and with a hat tip to
traditional Maori transport system, albeit in a loose form, that of the Waka (canoe)...... but in this case
a most important vessel, a carrier of universal light across the waters and spreading ripples through
eternity forever propagating.
Return of the Light
Dark times it seems to some,
rumours of the apocalyptic even to be heard.
A battle rages by all accounts tween the light, the dark,
and even all shades in between,
or so goes the story.........
Creation agin creation, form versus form,
limits against limitation the daily dream.
So tis light against dark portrayed
as the ultimate define and disconnect.
What side the right, what side to be wrong?
So whence come the return?
If one were to dally a moment,
dip a thought or two into the waters of creation,
the feel of creation really, in all it’s depths,
the feel beyond words defined,
and there to be experienced,
the ripples of the return.
Not of the ancestors, nor of the ancestors before,
nor even before that.....
Expressions of the old way from before the beginning,
knowledge of the light of light,
a vast sea of “before potential defined”, if you will,
and the return has set sail,
Return of the Light........
Surfing the song of universes and more, much more,
Waka of pure potential, this way come,
steered under stars of the yet to be defined,
with helmsman of old beyond old they be new,
they return to creation.....
The spray of their passage already to be felt in word and deed,
each drop unique, contained,
yet not defined cept by unlimited potential,
everyone of which a part of the sea beyond consciousness,
here, to speak to you.......
of you, within you.
Buoyed on waves of light beyond description,
choice as yet un-chosen,
the timeless Waka yet again bring the light, within time.
Full spread before you it will be,
A feathered, rainbow, fiery, cloak before you flared, and choice.....
The Return of the Light.
Not written in stone,
yet singing there within you now,
simply awaiting your vision to expression,
in now.
Creating this piece from a design point of view was quite straight forward as the essence of it was well
exposed within me and declared before i even started outlining it. The above photo shows an early
iteration of the ‘light’ which developed into the final feeling. A key element is possibly not that evident as
part of the design and that is the broken off edge of the stone. The stuff the ‘Matrix’ is made of, the rough
of creation to be within the not yet........
I am known for pointing out that this form of sculptural expression is not about the stone, but the
expression or not of light across the stone form. In absence of light nothing is there(?) bring forward the
light and you have a definition in varying degrees of not there...........hehe :-)